Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 2: Class so far...

Class So Far…

Sorry for the delayed response. You see, I was away this past weekend. My wife and I took a little vacation to the Maine coast to get away and relax at the beach. I brought my Web 2.0 book so I could complete the reading and also my laptop. I assumed that I would be able to get a WiFi connection at out campground. I assumed incorrectly. It became apparent to me just how connected we all are, and how dependent we are on that connection.

I missed my Google Reader. I was thinking of my blog while sitting on the beach reading through chapter one. I was actually surprised of my inability to connect. My techno-geek friend with his Sprint Wireless card tried as well, but again no luck.

What is my point? This class has had quite an impact on me. Just when I think I am getting to be tech savvy, I realize that I am just familiar with a fraction on the wealth of knowledge and information out there waiting to be accessed. I am eager to learn more, but I need a way to organize all of this information that I am learning so that I’ll be able to access it in the future. From what I’ve read of the week three blogs, I think I’ll be exposed to some ways to do just that!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you are talking about! Check out my "wireless story" on my blog! I thought I was tech savvy until taking this class,also!
