Although the article is interesting, I found the method of its delivery to me much more interesting. When I first picked up the article, read the note and the title of the article, I had to smirk due to the irony. Typically, the majority of news articles related to technology make their way to me via email, Twitter, podcasts, blogs, and Ning. I was not expecting one to be cut out of the Sunday paper clipped to a recycled piece of scrap paper.
I appreciate that my friend was thinking of me by forwarding the article along and I cannot agree more, technology integration is everywhere. I wonder when it will reach him?
I agree... I think every school building should have a Technology Integration Specialist. Someone that can help teachers integrate tech. We have so many programs and free tools that the teachers could be using. Our tech. guys are way too busy to be effective. There is a big difference between hardware and software. Times are changing and education should adapt to this change.