Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 4: Free Choice

I am not the type of person who enjoys having to make decisions. I know it sounds weird, but it is true. Trying to decide where to go out to eat with my wife can be a chore because we both respond, "I don't care. What do you feel like?" So, when I noticed that we had to blog about a topic of our choice, I naturally had a difficult time deciding on what to blog about.

After quite some time, I decided that I would blog about a resource that I uncovered that first opened my eyes to the possibilities of collaboration using Web 2.0. In January of this year I subscribed to a podcast titled Teachers Connecting Podcast using iTunes. This podcast is hosted by Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger who describe their podcast as follows:
Interactive whiteboards, cross-classroom collaboration projects, and the stories of teachers are all a focus of the Teachers Connecting Podcast. This show delivers fresh and engaging lesson ideas!

By listening to this podcast while commuting I have been exposed to many resources that Web 2.0 has to offer. The show usually begins by describing some interesting Internet sites or new technology that has been released such as episode 10 which introduced me to Google Chrome. The hosts often communicate with guests via Skype and also invite listeners to follow them on Twitter where they will often post links to the resources mentioned in their podcast.

I find that I do not always get the time to explore the web for new resources so finding out about them while driving is perfect for me. Try is out. Let me know what you think.


  1. Thanks for the heads-up on this. I have just recently doubled my commute time (it's not that bad it's like 30 minutes) but this will give me something to do as well as keep me updated. Maybe I could even get Professional Development hours!

  2. Mark - Good for you for using podcasts! A lot of people still have not heard about them or used them at all. I have to admit, I want to use them more, but still have not found a lot of time. That might be my new resolution! To try to download a few podcasts and listen to them on my next walk. Thanks for the suggestions.
