Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 9: Reflection

After nine weeks, I am certainly eager to apply what I have learned into my practice. I find myself referring to "this great class that I took this summer" frequently when catching up with my colleagues. My colleagues have been inundated with emails from me as I forward resources that I am receiving from my professional learning network.

In my last few posts I mentioned that I thought I was pretty tech-savvy before entering this course. I have been humbled by this course because I am amazed daily at what is out there that I not only never had tried, but never even heard of. Social bookmarking? Diigo? This resource alone was worth the tuition rate. Well, maybe I exaggerate, but I really like it a whole bunch!

In terms of what I wanted to know, I guess I cannot emphasize enough that I did not know what
I was missing. I wanted to improve teaching and learning in my classroom as the name of the class implies. Now that I reflect on Web 2.0 versus Web 1.0, I can distinctly discern the difference. I am not sure how much I "got it" before, but I get it now.

Upon completion of this course, I feel the biggest lesson I learned is that there are so many people out there willing to help and share information with you on countless topics. Expanding my professional learning network has helped to keep me "in the loop" with all of the newfangled technological developments that have educational importance in the teaching and learning that takes place in my classroom.

In closing, I would like to describe an example of the advantages of expanding my professional learning network. I was having difficulty with the appearance of projected images from my laptop while using my SMARTboard today, so I posted the following in a forum in the Ning group Smartboard Revolution. In less than one hour, had the response pictured. Amazing! Thanks Obe!
Hello. I was using my SMARTboard on my desktop pc today and everything worked fine. I then attached my laptop, switched to project from my laptop, and went to write on the board. When I did, the alignment was off so I tried to reorientate. When I did, only about 2/3 of the board was visible. What I mean is my last set of dots was not visible on the projected image. I switched back to the desktop and it was fine. I assume it is a projection setting issue from my laptop. Should I be projecting a certain resolution? Thanks, Mark

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week 8: Technology Integration is Everywhere

On a recent weekend I went to a friend's house to borrow a book that he suggested that I read. Since he was not going to be home he left the book on the seat of his car for me to pick up when I arrived. When I retrieved the book, I was happy to find that he had left me a quick note attached to a newspaper article. The note, pictured above, is scribbled on a the back of an old card and contains only four words: Technology Integration is everywhere.... The article is titled Moving to a Digital Future, Where Textbooks are History appeared in the New York Times Sunday, August 9th.

Although the article is interesting, I found the method of its delivery to me much more interesting. When I first picked up the article, read the note and the title of the article, I had to smirk due to the irony. Typically, the majority of news articles related to technology make their way to me via email, Twitter, podcasts, blogs, and Ning. I was not expecting one to be cut out of the Sunday paper clipped to a recycled piece of scrap paper.

I appreciate that my friend was thinking of me by forwarding the article along and I cannot agree more, technology integration is everywhere. I wonder when it will reach him?

Week 8: A flatter and fatter me

I feel that it impossible to not become "flatter" as a result of taking Teaching in Learning in a Networked Classroom. The term "flatter" is used in reference to Thomas L. Friedman's book titled The World is Flat. Prior to enrolling in the course, I thought I was pretty tech-savvy. I was able to install, learn, and used new software and peripherals. I quickly became competent in the use of SMARTboards and even became a SMART certified trainer. Compared to my colleagues, I think I secretly thought I was a technology superstar.

....And then the class began. Instantly it became apparent to me that I had a huge hole in my technology bubble. By huge, I mean the size of Texas huge. I was using technology on an island of one. It was me, alone, in my technology world.

After using Google Reader and RSS, Skpye, blogging, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, podcasting, and the sources and communication provided by my classmates, I've started to repair the hole.

I am still operating on my island, but things have changed. I am no longer operating alone in my world. I have instant access to the entire universe in a few keystrokes. The best part is that a lot of this information COMES TO ME! This instant access brings me to the second "f" word in the title, fatter.

The good news is that I enjoy repairing my technology gaps. I am eager to learn how I can use technology to enhance my curriculum and instruction. The bad news is that I enjoy it so much that I have bypassed a few things in my life. So what, if did not paint the house this summer as I had intended to. I have been so intrigued in learning about the Web 2.0 world that I would happily dismiss the idea of going for a run. As a result, I may have gotten fatter while becoming flatter.

The time that I have spent reading, researching, commenting and participating for this class far exceeds others I have taken. However, I am now communicating with people from around the globe on topics that have direct value and impact on my teaching. And I am a better educator because of it.

I like this new world much better than my old one.

You can become part of my world:

Twitter Diigo FaceBook Skype and Google (mr.mparsons) Ning

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week 7: Assessment of Technology

Howard Gardner and Robert Marzano are the names of two people that are starting to be ingrained in my brain as my school continues to improve its instruction and assessment. If you have participated in Differentiated Instruction training, I am sure Gardner was mentioned. As my school alters curriculum, we are frequently reminded of the work of Marzano who states that curriculum needs to be both "guaranteed and viable."

The work of these education leaders and constant reinforcement of my principal, Patti Kennelley, has led me to believe that students need to know what they are supposed to know and be able to do.

When assessing technology, the same concept applies. If I assign that my students need to create a lab report about an experiment that we do in class, one student may choose a traditional written lab report where another may choose to create a podcast, video, or other multimedia presentation. No matter the medium, each student still needs to demonstrates the scientific skills that the lab was intended to showcase. In terms of assessing the medium, I would either use a rubric specific to each type of medium or I would use our school-wide rubric for the assessment of effective communication. If I choose the latter, it still assesses the use of technology, just not to the extent of a rubric specific to each product.

Week 7: PBL

In order to help me try and wrap my head around project based learning (PBL) , I researched a few sources on the web. I knew that many teachers "do projects", but I needed to clarify specifically what PBL is and is not. I visited pbl-online.org, who defines PBL as:

a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning essential knowledge and life-enhancing skills through an extended, student-influenced inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks.

If you have not visited this site in your research, I recommend to take a few moments to check it out. I helped me clear up what exactly is PBL, now I just need to take the proper steps to ensure that my assessments "authentic."

As a way to help you in the creation of your assessment, you may desire to create a checklist for your students to follow. To help you, visit pblchecklist.4teachers.org. 4Teachers.org is also responsible for the very helpful rubric generator site called Rubistar. It is quite easy to use and give a great starting point for the creation of your assessment.


After some slight formatting issues, I've finally been able to post my podcast.

I have been working at school the last few days because we are changing the schedule for our freshmen and creating a "Freshman Team". During our lengthy meetings, the topic of our discussion shifted to public relations and communicating with the community. We were looking for a vehicle to share information consistently, I a Web 2.0 idea popped into my head.

If we create a I-LHS Freshman Team blog, we can get the word out to our community consistently and efficiently.

A colleague said that we should have a recording that answers the question: Why did we start the Freshman Team in the first place? Again, a Web 2.0 idea popped into my head.

This would be the perfect application of a podcast.

They podcast is short (27 seconds), but I feel that I overcame some obstacles in terms of creating and posting that will make the completion of future podcasts much easier.

You can listen to the podcast by going to the I-LHS Freshman Team blog, or by using the podomatic player below.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 7: Free Choice The Accidential Billionaires

I happened to catch an interview NPR last month with the author of The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal. I was immediately interested in learning more about this story after hearing the title, but even more so after listening to the seven minute interview by Guy Raz. As you can gather from the book's title and the interview, the development of the social networking site Facebook into and the internet phenomenon that is today is surrounded in controversy. The following weekend I happened upon a Borders and had to pick myself up a copy of the book. As you can see from the book's reviews on Amazon and the comments on NPR's site, the book itself is causing quite a stir, never mind the story.

I'll summarize my opinion with a mock Facebook status update:
Mark Parsons just finished The Accidental Billionaires, an interesting, fun, and quick summer read. Check it out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 6: Professional Learning Networks

I have a friend who seems to know everyone. Wherever we go he is always running into someone and shaking hands or giving a pat on the back. I asked him once how he knows all these people and his reply was simply, "networking."

My understanding of networking is limited to spreading your name around so that it benefits you when it comes time to apply for a position. You try and get on good terms with as many 'important" or "powerful" people as possible so that you could use this network of people to your advantage when the moment is right.

Professional Learning Networks are similar. You still have these connections that you call upon for assistance, however there is a distinct difference. Using tools like Ning, Twitter, Facebook, Podcasts, Blogs, and wiki's, you can become connected with people all over the world who share interests similar to yours. Then you can use these connections to give and receive information that could benefit you are anyone else in your network.

Here is a quick example. I was lucky enough to get a SMARTBoard last year. To get some additional help, I search the web for podcasts related to SMARTBoards. After listen for about six months, I was introduced (over the web) to people who frequently share tips and tricks and just plain old good information about the use of interactive whiteboards. I benefit directly from these kind individuals who are part of my network. And maybe, someday, they will benefit from me.

By the way, if you are interested in SMARTBoards, I suggest you look into adding James Hollis and Obe Hostetter to your professional learning network. Also check out http://smartboardrevolution.ning.com/ for a plethora of information and resources.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 6: Professional Development

When I think about professional development, particularly when it concerns technology, I feel that we play the role of consumers and the new technology is the product. Our professional development often demonstrates and introduces us to a product, with its accompanying bells and whistles, and then we are sent back to our classrooms. Sometimes the product works beautifully as demonstrated. Often though, the product does not work in quite the same fashion as demonstrated, nor does not live up to the expectations that we had during our "test drive". We are left to figure out exactly how to get the product to work effectively in our classrooms. Since we are all short on time, it gets put off. It collects dust. Eventually, is gets sucked into the black hole that is our "I'll get to it as soon as I get these other really important things done first" pile.

"Our professional development models should involve teachers in how we use and struggle to use such tools meaningfully and how we ourselves wrestle with and resolve such issues."

The sentence above is taken from Christine Greenhow's Reccommendation 2 of Supporting Teachers ' Development of Extended Social Networks for Teaching and Learning, found on page 110 of the book Web 2.0, New Tools, New Schools. I am in complete agreement with this statement. If we want our professional development, specifically Web 2.0 tools, to "stick", we need to discuss how are we going to use this technology meaningfully. We need to discuss the educational benefits of using these tools, and research what works and what does not. I fear that if this research does not take place, the new bells and whistles that were demonstrated during our professional development will quickly begin to devolve, much like the annoying Powerpoint sound effects that seemed so cool once.......ten years ago, but now make you cringe. I made a special video for those who wish to hear the laser, drum roll, and applause again.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 6: Free Choice (Summer Reading)

I enjoy reading when I have the time to take a few minutes out of the day to actually relax and curl up with a good book, but I seems that I never can find enough time during the school year to read anything but magazines. Since this is the case, I try to make up for my lack of reading during the school year by reading during holiday breaks and summer vacation.

This past June, my friendly librarian school pulled me aside and said "I have the book for you." She accused me of being "a computer geek" or "techie nerd" or something along those lines and said I had to read "Little Brother." This story, written by Corey Doctorow, who is not only a journalist and science fiction writer, but also a blogger. The author describes his novel in the video below:

I enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and was quite thought provoking. It certainly got me to think about how technology is used, not only by our students, but also by the government. If this type of novel appeals to you, I suggest reading the description and reviews located at Amazon.com.