Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week 8: A flatter and fatter me

I feel that it impossible to not become "flatter" as a result of taking Teaching in Learning in a Networked Classroom. The term "flatter" is used in reference to Thomas L. Friedman's book titled The World is Flat. Prior to enrolling in the course, I thought I was pretty tech-savvy. I was able to install, learn, and used new software and peripherals. I quickly became competent in the use of SMARTboards and even became a SMART certified trainer. Compared to my colleagues, I think I secretly thought I was a technology superstar.

....And then the class began. Instantly it became apparent to me that I had a huge hole in my technology bubble. By huge, I mean the size of Texas huge. I was using technology on an island of one. It was me, alone, in my technology world.

After using Google Reader and RSS, Skpye, blogging, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, podcasting, and the sources and communication provided by my classmates, I've started to repair the hole.

I am still operating on my island, but things have changed. I am no longer operating alone in my world. I have instant access to the entire universe in a few keystrokes. The best part is that a lot of this information COMES TO ME! This instant access brings me to the second "f" word in the title, fatter.

The good news is that I enjoy repairing my technology gaps. I am eager to learn how I can use technology to enhance my curriculum and instruction. The bad news is that I enjoy it so much that I have bypassed a few things in my life. So what, if did not paint the house this summer as I had intended to. I have been so intrigued in learning about the Web 2.0 world that I would happily dismiss the idea of going for a run. As a result, I may have gotten fatter while becoming flatter.

The time that I have spent reading, researching, commenting and participating for this class far exceeds others I have taken. However, I am now communicating with people from around the globe on topics that have direct value and impact on my teaching. And I am a better educator because of it.

I like this new world much better than my old one.

You can become part of my world:

Twitter Diigo FaceBook Skype and Google (mr.mparsons) Ning

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your post(s). You have a funny way about you. Invite your students to your island and I bet you learn even more cool things!

    I bet you are a great teacher!

    I wish you all the best in the new school year.
