Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 6: Free Choice (Summer Reading)

I enjoy reading when I have the time to take a few minutes out of the day to actually relax and curl up with a good book, but I seems that I never can find enough time during the school year to read anything but magazines. Since this is the case, I try to make up for my lack of reading during the school year by reading during holiday breaks and summer vacation.

This past June, my friendly librarian school pulled me aside and said "I have the book for you." She accused me of being "a computer geek" or "techie nerd" or something along those lines and said I had to read "Little Brother." This story, written by Corey Doctorow, who is not only a journalist and science fiction writer, but also a blogger. The author describes his novel in the video below:

I enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and was quite thought provoking. It certainly got me to think about how technology is used, not only by our students, but also by the government. If this type of novel appeals to you, I suggest reading the description and reviews located at


  1. Mark, I share your love of reading which is one of the reasons why I became a Librarian. I have ordered this book for our Library and can't wait to read it (although I just dove into Frieman's "The World is Flat"). This video clip you have shared is extremely interesting to me because it not only explains Doctorow's book, but he discusses copyright here as well. I was fascinated to learn his liberal opinion on it and how he offers his stories and graphic novels free online under Creative Commons License. For anyone watching the video, please listen to the end...very, very interesting (at least to us Librarians). :)

  2. I found this link to Cory's books, you can get "Little Brother" for free.

  3. Ok, I can't stop commenting on this. I have now been to at the above posted website. Not only can you read the book for free but also teachers and librarians may email and get their school on a list to receive donations of Cory Doctorow's book. You've got to check this out!

  4. Pretty crazy in such a copyright protected world. I did look at his site, but not to the depth that you have. Thanks. (I was going to blog about another book that I am currently reading that you might find interesting. It is called The Accidental Billionaires and it is about a few computer geeks who created a web site to meet girls. It worked. They created Facebook.)
